Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Mackenzie's Rather Unorthodox Matzoh Ball Soup

Welcome friends, to the tail end of Mackenzie's Rather Unorthodox Matzoh Ball Soup + some beer. It's November these days and even though my buddy El Nino has been keeping it warm, I decided to make some matzoh ball soup to keep things toasty up in here.

Sorry, was that too far back into the 1990s? Are there people alive now who won't understand that reference? Perish the thought.

So my matzoh ball soup is Rather Unorthodox for a few reasons. First of all, I put pork in it.

Lovingly sourced from Natalie Dee's comic: http://www.marriedtothesea.com/

Then I put butter in it. So basically, it's sin on a spoon. Also, the pork was cooked in beer.  I almost put sauerkraut in it too but then I realized I was actually sort of tipsy and needed to quit while I was ahead.

Sauerkraut has such a bad rep. I realized recently (last Passover) that many of my friends do not understand the joys of pickled cabbage. Think about this critically for a moment, friends. I'll bet you like cabbage, right? And I'll bet you like pickles, yes? Then you will like sauerkraut. Get over the name. Move past the limp, blanched seaweed appearance. Suck it up and discover joy.

This love is real.

You know, on second thought, potatoes would have been great in this. I write this between massive gulps of delicious porky, rosemary-y, dumpling filled happiness. Another odd thing about this soup is that the rosemary is reminding me of Christmas.

I think I just invented Gentile-zoh Ball Soup.

Slurps & Burps,

1 comment:

  1. This sounds delicious!

    How can we go back in time, replace the gluten with non-gluten, stick a ski mask over my head and Tupperware in a black burlap sack, grab a bionic roach to distract you in the kitchen...so that I can fill my little glad-ware and run off into the distance leaving only the echo of my evil cackle behind?!

    ...how can we arrange this!?
