Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Vegetables Of Note

Like others in this world, I have an acute fascination with plant matter that has grown into humorous shapes. I recently discovered the cutest potato in the world. He is the cutest potato in the world because he is in love.

When I see shaped-funny produce, I experience a type of euphoria that is probably genetically linked to mankind’s fondness for miniature animals. I point. I jump up and down a little. I say things like, "Ohhhhh! Potaaaaaaaaaay-to!"

I was reflecting back on this potato today (I have already eaten him— skins and all) and realized that it would probably be beneficial to the world to start a general tally/photo gallery of curious vegetables. I am calling the project “Vegetables of Note.” Naturally, then, I searched my hardrive for other photos of vegetation that I have found interesting over the years. My "Tim Burton-esque" onion caught my attention:

Is it just me or are they hypnotically purple? Perhaps this isn't Tim Burton-y at all but convex-concave explorations of weeping edibles makes me think of him. Also, one time I bought hot peppers and I thought they were cute because they were good at hugging.

And of course, an exploration of odd vegetables wouldn't be complete without this picture of a fun trip to the thrift store:

And there you have it. Vegetables of Note.

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